Graduate Members
From Ivy’s earliest years, graduate members have played a critical role in charting the Club’s future, and today’s undergraduates benefit from the strong support provided by generations of Ivy men and women.
The board and staff warmly welcome graduate member use of the Club, and encourage graduates to avail themselves of the website to maintain relationships with fellow members and learn about upcoming programs, including educational events sponsored by the Club and/or the Foundation.

Ivy Section of 1964
50th Reunion
Graduate Member Events: Reunions 2023
Friday, May 26
The Club will be open until midnight for Members and their accompanied guests. There will be no food service, but beer and soft drinks will be available.
Members of the Section of 1973 and their wives or a guest are invited to a reception and luncheon in honor of their 50th reunion beginning at noon on Friday in the Club’s Great Hall.
Saturday, May 27
Brunch for Members and their guests will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The cost is $20 per person; there is no charge for children under 10.
After the P-rade, food and beverages will be available from approximately 4 to 6 p.m. followed by music from 6 to 8 p.m. Beer and soft drinks will be available throughout the evening.
The Club will close at midnight.
Sunday, May 28
No events are scheduled at the Club.
It is expected that graduate members attending Club events will be in good standing with respect to graduate dues.
NB: No parking is available at the Club.